The Veteran and Vintage Motorcycle Club of South Australia 

Welcome to the Home Page of The Veteran and Vintage Motorcycle Club of South Australia.

The VVMCCSA started by dedicated group of people dedicated on preserving pre 1930 Motorcycles.

The VVMCCSA 1st meeting 29 Nov 1956 at Playford Street Glen Osmond and the club was formed. 

On this home page you will find information about membership, banking details, future Club Runs, special weekly runs, coffee morning, and the incredible club magazine the ‘Smoke Signal’. 

Join VVMCCSA 2024-2025 – VVMCCSA – membership and info flyer about the club NEW Subs $45 magazine postage $40 – amended and experience and the thrill of Veteran and Vintage motorcycle riding along with all types of Classic Motorcycles who are are most welcome to join as members and in any club run.

In 2026, VVMCCSA members will celebrate the clubs 70th year with a huge rally based at Goolwa.

Brian Forth, President, VVMCCSA.

Motorcycle only Swap Meet Sunday 6th October 2024 – Balhannah Oval.


70th Anniversary Rally—”Gathering of the Faithfull”. 

Members and enthusiasts. The 70th Anniversary Rally will be based at Goolwa in South Australia in 2026. Date and details along with Registration of Interest form will be available soon. Any enquiries to [email protected]It is over to the members to be a part of this event by being prepared.

Regards—Brian Forth, Chairperson. I was there and participated in the 70th Anniversary Rally’.


An ‘Old Crock’ rider once said –

Oil leaks ignored—lies and mistruths about speed and reliability accepted’


Club Flag A Bit of History – old flag by Dean Govan

Jack Scadden with 1917 Harley Davidson outfit and the ‘Old Flag’ at Rowley Park c1960.


Membership for 2024-2025. 

Membership $45.00

Joining Fee of $15.00, total – $60.00

NEW – The Smoke Signal magazine can be posted at $40.00 extra.

July – 2024 Smoke Signal 660 – FINAL edition – email

The Smoke Signal magazine is available to all via email, the preferred distribution.

If you wish to join The Veteran and Vintage Motorcycle Club of South Australia, please print off the Membership Application form, complete the details then email or post it to the following.

Membership form.

2024-2025 – VVMCCSA – membership and info flyer about the club NEW Subs $45 magazine postage $40 – amended

VVMCCSA Secretary, PO Box 453, Marden 5070 South Australia

Email – [email protected]

Payment can be made by Bank transfer deposit, cash at a meeting or a cheque (if you still use them).
When completing a Direct Bank Deposit. Please email [email protected] of your payment amount, Name & Membership number if allocated.


2024 Library books 50 to 631 by John Deacon.

  VVMCCSA have a very library with original and interesting information of most make of motorcycles                                       ******************************************************

2024 Rally Entry Form

The Submission of this rally form is required when you participate in a VVMCCSA club ride.
Please complete the form at the following times – 1/ General Meeting, or 2/ Down load the form here, print it and email to Secretary, or 3/ Print it off and complete the form then present it to the Ride Captain on the RIDE DAY –
Forms are available at the start of each ride. The Records Officer will then collate information. BUT you can Email to – [email protected].


Historic motorcycle registration.

For historic vehicle registration, you must be a member of VVMCCSA and have an appropriate vehicle  Email – [email protected] for information and the Approved Person close to your location 


VVMCCSA – future club rides & event

RIDE IN /DRIVE IN VISIT – 10.00AM 21st JULY ‘24.


As it is that time of the year when the weather may not be friendly for motorbike riding a visit to the Museum has been arranged.

The Museum is on the corner of Lipson and Divett Streets.  Parking is available in both streets.

We will enter at 10.00am to have a leisurely look at the exhibits.

All displays are inside out of the weather.

Not only are there maritime artifacts and vessels, but you can look for any of your ancestors who may have arrived by ship, on the extensive digitised passenger lists.

At 11.00 the Staff do an informative guided tour which you are welcome to go on.

The Museum is now CASHLESS, so make sure you have a Card with you.

If you don’t have a card, please see me on arrival and give me the cash and I will get your ticket on my card.

Entry Fees are:-  Concession   $17.00; Adult $22.00; Child $9.00; Under 5 FREE; Family $55.00                   (2Adults and up to 3 children); Concession Family    $43.50

After your visit there are other venues that you may wish to explore around the Port Adelaide area, as well as the coffee, pancake shops and eateries. For any other details or queries please contact me.

Ian HESE. Club Captain. 0409 083 436

2024 Rally Entry Form

June 2024

1st Coffee morning,Loose Caboose 21 First St Hindmarsh 9:15am

6th Midweek ride—Tea Tree Gully 10am—destination on the day

11th General Meeting 809. Trophy Presentation night 8pm Payneham RSL Club rooms.

16th Club ride to be advised

20th 34th Old Crocks and Tiddlers ride from Gumeracha

25th TuesdayCommittee meeting at 7.30pm, Goodwood Community

July 2024

4th Midweek rideTea Tree Gully Hotel leaving 10.00am  

6th Coffee morningLoose Caboose 21 First St Hindmarsh 9.15am.

9th Annual General Meeting & General meeting 810- 8.00pm at Payneham RSL clubrooms.

21st *** to be advised

25th 35th ‘Old Crocks’ Veteran ride & Tiddlers—10am, Gumeracha                                                           30th Committee e meeting—7.30pm Goodwood Community Club.

August 2024

1st             Midweek rideTea Tree Gully Hotel leaving 10.00am.        

3rd             Coffee morningLoose Caboose 21 First St Hindmarsh 9.15am

13th           General Meeting 811.– 8.00pm at Payneham RSL clubrooms.

15th           36th ‘Old Crocks’ Veteran and Tiddlers ride —10am, Federation Park in Gumeracha

18th  ***  Club Run to be advised

27th Committee Meeting—7.30pm Goodwood Community

 September 2024

5th Midweek rideTea Tree Gully Hotel leaving 10.00am

7th Coffee at ‘Loose Caboose 21 First St Hindmarsh -9.15am.    

10th ` General meeting 812 – 8pm Payneham RSL Clubrooms

15th Club Ride, ‘Flat Tank Society Run’.

19th 37th Old Crocks’ Veteran & Tiddlers ride—10am, Federation Park Gumeracha.

24th Tuesday, Committee meeting, 7.30pm Goodwood Community Club

October 2024

3rd Midweek ride—Tea Tree Gully 10am—destination on the day

5th Coffee morning,Loose Caboose 21 First St Hindmarsh 9:15am

6th VVMCCSA Motorcycle only Swap Meet, Balhannah Oval

8th General Meeting 813. 8pm Payneham RSL Club rooms.

17th 38th Old Crocks Veteran & Tiddlers ride – 10am Federation Park in Gumeracha

20th Club Ride details to come.

20th ‘Bay to Birdwood’ run from West Beach to Birdwood—Invitation

20th Barossa Valley Classic Motor Cycle Club rally—invitation

25th— 26th & 27th. AJS and Matchless Owners Rally—Victor Harbor—Invitation


Invitation rally events

Ariel and AJS Matchless rally information  information 25th – 26th to 27th October 2024

Queensland Veteran Rally, 4th to 9th August 2024


Monthly rides for old and classic motorcycles

Old Crocks & Tiddlers Ride.

This is for veteran and vintage motorcycle build before 1930, but any motorcycle is welcome.

On the 3rd Thursday of each month those intrepid ‘Old Crocks‘ and their V&V motorcycles gather at Federation Reserve in Gumeracha for a 10am start. 

Members on younger motorcycle please attend and participate, but be prepared to allow for the ‘Old Crocks’ and their motorcycles slowly gain the speed to negotiate the hills and vales of the Adelaide Hills.

The ride is usually short and sweet allowing for a coffee stop than back to the start with petrol running low & exhausted rider.

just wait for it, it will start



Coffee mornings –

1st Saturday of the month for a chance to refresh the mind over endless motorcycle discussions.

Loose Caboose, 21 High Street Hindmarsh.


Tea Tree Gully Hotel –

1st Thursday of the month a leisurely morning ride.

On the 1st Thursday of the month we meet in the carpark, planning the ride then leaving 10am from Tea Tree Gully Hotel for a 10.00am start – destination is up to those who attend – surprise surprise surprise.    This ride is open to any motorcycle of any age, and you are welcome to enjoy the ride.


Enquires please email  –  [email protected]

Secretary of VVMCCSA

PO Box 453

Marden 5070, South Australia


 Smoke Signal club magazine here-

January 2020 magazine for email

February 2020 magazine – email

March 2020 magazine – emailing

April 2020 magazine email

May 2020 magazine final – email

JUNE 2020 magazine final email

July 2020 Smoke Signal – email
August 2020 magazine – emailing

September Smoke Signal 614 – email

Smoke Signal October 2020 for email        

November Smoke Signal for printing.

December Smoke Signal ready for printing

2021 Smoke Signal magazines
January 2021 magazine 618 – email

February 2021 magazine 619 -final – reduced

March 2021 magazine 620 – emailing

April 2021 magazine 621 – FINAL email

May 2021 magazine 622 -email

June 2021 magazine 622 email

July 2021 magazine 624 – final

AUGUST 2021 magazine 625 – email

September 2021 magazine 626 – email

October 2021 magazine 627 – 65th edition email

November 2021 magazine 628 final email

December 2021 magazine 629 email with changes


January 2022 magazine 630 – final email

February 2022 magazine 631 – email

March 2022 magazine 632 – email 
APRIL 2022 magazine 633 – version 6 – final email 

  MAY 2022 magazine 634 – email

JUNE 2022 magazine 635 – email

July 2022 magazine 636 – final email

August 2022 magazine 637 – email

September 2022 magazine 637 – email

October 2022 magazine 638 – final email

November 2022 magazine 639 – FINAL email

December 2022 – magazine 641 – final edition email

2023 magazines

January 2023 magazine 642 – final edition – email

February 2023 magazine 643 – final email

March 2023 magazine 644 – final email version

April 2023 magazine 645 – final – email

May 2023 magazine 646 – FINAL for email

June 2023 magazine 647 – final EMAIL

July 2023 magazine 648 – FINAL email

August 2023 magazine 649 – Final – email

October 2023 magazine 651 – Final for email

November 2023 magazine 652 magazine – FInal amended email

December 2023 magazine 653 magazine – FINAL one reduced


January 2024 Smoke Signal 654 – FINAL – email

February 2024 Smoke Signal 655 – final2 – email version

March 2024 Smoke Signal 656 – FINAL – email

APRIL 2024 Smoke Signal 657 – final – email

MAY 2024 Smoke Signal 658 – FINAL – email

JUNE – 2024 Smoke Signal 659 – FINAL – email

July – 2024 Smoke Signal 660 – FINAL edition – email



2024 Library books 50 to 631 by John Deacon

Links to various forms and information.

MR300B – declaration for exemption from surrendering number plates – If for some reason you need to lay-up your historic registered motorcycles for repairs – restoration or other reason and you wish to retain the number plate currently issued, complete this for and deliver to a DETI office.

Rally Entry Form – Nov 2020 form

Corner Marshal information.

For members desiring to be a corner marshal on a club ride, please read this corner marshal duties about the do and don’ts. But you need to be trained and qualified to perform this important position.

One of advantages of being a corner Marshall is to to watch and see members riding towards you, with the awesome sound of their motorcycle, along with clashing of gears as that veteran and vintage motorcycle slowly gaining speed as they ride on. When the back up trailer arrives, you then can join the ride.


                      Welcome information

Welcome to the home page of The Veteran and Vintage Motor Cycle Club of South Australia. The VVMCCSA Club was formed in 1956 with the objectives of preserving, restoring and using Veteran, Vintage & Post Vintage Motorcycles. We are an active club of over 300 members, catering for veteran, vintage and classic motorcycles.

Machines must be at least 30 years old in the current year to be eligible for Club Events and historic registration.

We have Historic Vehicle Registration facilities for club eligible motorcycles.

Our Monthly magazine – Smoke Signal can be seen and read under the heading of Smoke Signal.

Our Monthly Meetings are at the Payneham RSL Club, 360 Payneham Rd, Payneham commencing 8 PM on the second Tuesday of the month.

Visitors will be made most welcome – you don’t need to own an old motorcycles to be a member and participate in club activities.

The Club is one of the oldest in the country, we are planning to celebrate our 70th Anniversary Rally in 2026. Still in the planning stage.

On the 3rd Sunday of each month we have a club ride for members going north, east and south from Adelaide, or starting at a nearby country town and most ride are through the picturesque Adelaide Hills. Distance is around the 100km mark, why this is the usual distance a Veteran or Vintage motorcycle petrol will allow it to go. A support trailer is always there following the ride.

Motorcycle only Swap meet.                                                                                                One of the Club’s activities is its annual Motorcycle Only Swap Meet held on the  Balhannah Oval each year on the October long weekend.

Library books are available for viewing and borrowing at every meeting – enquire with club librarian.

2020 – library list 1-100numlist



Proudly Supported By

Paradise Motors